The first MoST-Rec Workshop @ CIKM 2019 is a place for discussing and exchanging recent advances and open challenges between the Model-Selection and Parameter Tuning community and the Recommendation Systems community.
Recommender systems (RS) have attracted strong attention of the machine learning community, especially within the last decades. Researchers have developed various algorithms proven to have good performance in the laboratory environment; however, applying them to real business cases is typically more difficult.
This workshop addresses the issues of algorithm selection and parameter tuning for recommender systems. The goal is to bring together researchers from the model selection and hyperparameter tuning community in the general scope of machine learning with researchers from the recommender systems community for discussing and exchanging recent advances and open challenges in the field.
The workshop will feature invited talks, contributed paper presentations and demonstrations/posters.
All accepted papers will be considered for inclusion in the Special Issue on Data Science for Next-Generation Recommender Systems of Springer International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA).
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: (NEW)
814 August 2019 (23:59, Anywhere on Earth) - Author notification: 31 August 2019
- Camera-ready submission deadline: 6 September 2019
Two to three invited talks are planned as part of the workshop program, covering the various aspects of the workshop topics. Tentative list of speakers include:
- Frank Hopfgartner, University of Sheffield, UK
- Dove Lian, University of Science and Technology of China, China
- Andreas Lommatzsch, Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
All inquiries should be send to: